Cameroon does not need a ministry of agitation, insult and blustering. “In 2025, if the regime wants it to happen in peace, it will be in peace; if he prefers to escape into disorder and violence, that will be the case”.
There was a time when the Ministry of Territorial Administration (MINAT) was considered one of the most important in the country, using few words, with quiet habits, discreet power and

Statement by President Maurice KAMTO on the electoral fraud of the Director General of ELECAM, Mr. Eric ESSOUSSE, and call for his resignation or dismissal as well as that of the members of the electoral council, for plotting against peace in Cameroon.
The Director General of ELECAM, Mr. Eric ESSOUSSE, is on an assigned mission against the people of Cameroon. I solemnly call for his immediate resignation or dismissal, and that of

Statement by President Maurice KAMTO on the severe barriers to the registration of Cameroonians on the electoral lists by ELECAM. “ELECAM is openly opposed to the registration of Cameroonians on electoral rolls and therefore openly becomes an active agent of pre-electoral fraud”.
For several months, we have observed an unprecedented mobilization of Cameroonians to register on the electoral lists. This is proof, if any were necessary, that the Cameroonian people have become

Statement from President Maurice KAMTO on ELECAM’s pre-election fraud during registration on the electoral lists. “The CRM will never allow again its victory in an election to be stolen”.
During the first ordinary session of its Electoral Council on 28 March 2024, ELECAM announced the registration of 144,817 new voters in the first quarter of this year. At first,

Message from President Maurice KAMTO to young Cameroonians on the occasion of the 58th national youth day. “This regime has built a whole strategy to keep youth distant from its legitimate concerns relating to their future”.
“Youth, import substitution and economic patriotism for the progress of Cameroon“, such is the official theme of the 58th Youth Day celebrated this 2024 year. They could have found a

Statement by President Maurice KAMTO on the unacceptable rise in fuel prices and the worsening living conditions of Cameroonians. “This is incompetence backed by boundless cynicism”.
In my end-of-year message for 2023, I warned the Government of the serious social consequences of a possible increase in fuel prices, given the very low purchasing power of households

President Maurice KAMTO presents the micro-development projects carried out with the remaining funds from Operation SCSI Cameroon Survival Initiative. “I would like to see this surge of solidarity and generosity put to work for our country in all areas tomorrow”.
Dear donors, On 23 December 2021, I presented the moral report of the initiator of the Survie-Cameroun Survival Initiative (SCSI), an unprecedented initiative that was a resounding collective success. In

Bilingual end-of-year 2023 message from President Maurice KAMTO to the Nation. “Everything shows that there is no longer a commander on board the Cameroon ship and that only factions are using the levers of the State to serve their own ambitions”
Camerounaises, Camerounais, mes chers compatriotes, L’année 2023 s’achève sur une profonde inquiétude. Le Cameroun, qui n’est plus gouverné depuis longtemps déjà, est entré dans une phase de délitement. Plusieurs signaux,

General policy speech by the CRM National President Maurice KAMTO at the 3rd Ordinary Convention of the CRM. “It is high time to organize ourselves to act together…”
Excellencies, Members of the Diplomatic Corps or their representatives Ladies and gentlemen, leaders of the invited political parties, Ladies and Gentlemen, leaders of civil society organizations, Distinguished guests in your

Summons to History: The 3rd Convention of the CRM for a Collective and Peaceful Future
Since Saturday December 9, 2023, the Yaounde Convention Center has been the scene of the 3rd Ordinary Convention of the Cameroon Renaissance Movement (CRM). A warm appeal has been made