Bilingual end-of-year 2023 message from President Maurice KAMTO to the Nation. “Everything shows that there is no longer a commander on board the Cameroon ship and that only factions are using the levers of the State to serve their own ambitions”
Camerounaises, Camerounais, mes chers compatriotes, L’année 2023 s’achève sur une profonde inquiétude. Le Cameroun, qui n’est plus gouverné depuis longtemps déjà, est entré dans une phase de délitement. Plusieurs signaux,

General policy speech by the CRM National President Maurice KAMTO at the 3rd Ordinary Convention of the CRM. “It is high time to organize ourselves to act together…”
Excellencies, Members of the Diplomatic Corps or their representatives Ladies and gentlemen, leaders of the invited political parties, Ladies and Gentlemen, leaders of civil society organizations, Distinguished guests in your

2022 end of year message from President Maurice KAMTO. “The dawn is approaching; it is in the limbo of the long night”
Cameroonians, my dear compatriots! The year 2022 which is coming to an end has put our country to the test and announces an even more difficult year 2023. I shall

End of year 2021 message from President-Elect Maurice KAMTO to the Nation
Ladies and Gentlemen, dear compatriots! Here we are at the end of the year 2021 which was particularly difficult, as previous ones: – On the health sector, like practically all

End of year 2020 message from President-Elect Maurice KAMTO to the Nation
Fellow Cameroonians, My dear compatriots, We have now reached the end of 2020. Like the previous years, 2020 has been another trying year for Cameroon. In our country, the years

End-of-year 2019 message from the elected and legitimate President Maurice KAMTO
Fellow Cameroonians; My dear compatriots; Here we are at the end of 2019, a year that saw a series of serious political, security, humanitarian and economic events. In my end-of-year

2018 end-of-year Message from the elected and legitimate President Maurice KAMTO
Fellow Cameroonians, My dear compatriots; Despite the many hardships, we are finally at the end of 2018. Unfortunately, Cameroon has now become a collapsed state; a Nation that has fallen

2017 End-Of-Year Message of Maurice KAMTO, the National President of the CRM, to the Nation
The year 2017 now drawing to an end has been one of the most challenging our country and our people have experienced in decades. The rampant impoverishment of the overwhelming

2016 End of year Message of the National President of the Cameroon Renaissance Movement (CRM)
Fellow Cameroonians, My dear compatriots from within and from the Diaspora, The year that is finishing was full of events that saddened our people. It was a year of trials

End of year 2015 message from the CRM President Maurice KAMTO to cameroonians
Cameroonians, My dear compatriots from the inside and the Diaspora, It is with the same pleasure that I submit to what has now become a tradition: to speak to you