Jul 2022

From 25 to 26 June 2022, one of the worst inter-community massacres that our country has experienced in recent times occurred in the village of Bakinjaw, Akwaya subdivision, Manyu Division in the Southwest Region of our country.

Unconfirmed sources attribute the deadly attack against the Messaga Ekol community, that left several tens dead, to the Otili community.

This attack would be a revenge following a similar one that the Oliti community would have suffered on  29 April  2022. Everything suggests that access to land is the root cause of the  deadly rivalries between the two communities.

Nevertheless, the Cameroon Renaissance Movement (CRM) is shocked by the consequences of this inter-community confrontation. The CRM strongly condemns the use of violence in the settlement of any dispute.

On my own behalf and on behalf of the militants and supporters of our party, I extend our sincere condolences to the families of the victims. We also extend our best wishes for a speedy recovery to the many injured.

This tragedy challenges the construction of living together and we cannot help but deplore the failure of the competent authorities and the government who, after the first attacks which occurred on 29 April  2022, were not proactive.

This intercommunity conflict comes after those, recurring, deplored in the  Logone-et-Chari division between Arabs Choas and Mosgoum, Kotoko and Massa. It poses the crucial problem of nation building in our country, which is clearly not a major concern of the government, despite official incantations.

Done in Yaoundé on 28 June 2022
President Maurice KAMTO